Become a Member in 3 Simple Steps
Membership is voluntary and without time limits.
We welcome new members into our community, where you’ll find a supporting environment, like-minded peers, and access to professional and social development programs. Joining our community is an important step, and the relationships we form will become a powerful tool for you to lean on. It starts with getting to know each other. You do not need a doctor’s referral to become a member: your confidential information will be obtained and secured at intake.
Step 1: Book a Tour:
The first step is arranging a tour where our colleagues will show you around the Clubhouse. The purpose is to give you an initial idea of what the facilities look like, how it operates, and a brief introduction to the services we offer to our members.
The tour lasts up to 30 minutes and also provides you with an opportunity to ask questions and to be heard.
We realize that this tour may cause you to feel anxious, but we will do what we can to make you feel comfortable and welcome. You are invited to bring along a support person or family member on the tour, if you wish. Please know that we are here for you.
Step 2: Orientation:
After you have visited us for a tour (usually held weekdays at 10am or 11am), you are welcome to return later in the week or the following week for an orientation meeting
The orientation is a safe, simple process that should not be a cause for anxiety. It is a time for you to get to know us, our unit work, how we operate, and for us to get to know you.
The orientation begins with a conversation between you, your support person (if you brought one with you) a Potential Place staff member, and a Potential Place Clubhouse member. We will also show you a video or two describing the activities in the Clubhouse.
We will introduce you to the history of Clubhouse International and Potential Place. You’ll learn about what we do, our standards and expectations, and our “work-ordered-day”. We will also ensure that we answer any questions you have.
After the introduction, we will show you the Clubhouse, which includes the Café and Bistro unit and the clerical unit. These are the areas where we carry out the Work-Ordered-Day.
Of course, along the way you’ll have the opportunity to meet some of our members and see our Clubhouse in action.
Potential Place offers more than just a place to come during the day. We offer the opportunity for acceptance, friendships, recovery, and meaningful work.
Step 3: Intake:
Intake is the last step to becoming a member. Staff will work with you and to fill out the required paperwork. The Intake form contains basic information, diagnosis, consent form, and a goal plan. This process can take up to 40-50 minutes depending on the individual. You may bring a support person with you if you so desire. Please note, that no one will see the information in the form, it will remain confidential and locked inside your file.
Prior to the Intake, please bring the following with you:
Alberta Health Care Card
Family Doctor Contact Info
Other Supports Contact Info
Emergency Contact Info (2 is best)
Valid Alberta ID
After the intake form is complete, you will receive your membership card at which point you become an official member of Potential Place Clubhouse and Clubhouse International.